The miracle of St. Clare and the Eucharist happened in San Damiano, Italy, in the year 1241. An army of Saracens were about to invade the convent of the Poor Clares. In fact, the attackers were even climbing over the walls! The nuns were terrified. St. Clare (1194-1253), the foundress of the Franciscan order, appeared at the entrance with a Monstrance containing the Blessed Sacrament. She prayed urgently to the Lord:
“Lord, protect your servants!”
He answered: “I will take care of you always!”
Immediately, the advancing army fled from the convent. And the nuns were left in peace.
Copy the patterns below to make the figure of St. Clare and the Eucharist. Note that her arms are cut separately and are taped to the back of the figure. They are folded in front to hold the Monstrance as shown in the photo.
To make a plaque to commemorate this wonderful miracle you can glue the figure of St. Clare to an inverted foam meat tray.